Company and Safety Policy
Doroob Logistics & Marine Services International LLC resources policies are developed to provide general guidelines on the policies and procedures for its employees. This is used as a reference to policies that are subject to modification and amendment when needed without prior notice. Employees are expected to refer to the company’s Human Resources (HR) department for clarification or further explanation of the rules and regulations of the establishment. The information detailed herein is considered a property of Doroob Logistics and Marine Services International LLC where sharing of any of its content with non-company personnel is considered a breach of confidentiality and is grounds for disciplinary investigation.
It is the policy of the company that all employees in every function within the organization execute their work under safe and healthy condition with proper concern for protection of environment. The management expects that everyone within the organization whether ashore or onboard ships follow the standards and instructions issued by the company. At all levels of the organization, both ashore and onboard, the management is responsible for ensuring that the safety and Environmental protection policy is understood, implemented and maintained. It is the company’s policy to eliminate possible dangers, which may result in personnel injury, accidents, damage to the environment and damage to property. Recognition of these dangers must become a way of life for all company personnel.
Our safety management system must be aimed a prevention of errors, hazardous situations and incidents, should these occur every employee is required to participate in determining possible cases in order to prevent future re-occurrences. Our safety management system is based upon the reporting of non-conformities within our system, on the reporting of accidents, incidents and hazardous occurrences, and upon the results of internal auditing of our organization. The information obtained is used to assess the continued effectiveness of our system during our management review meetings. Within Doroob Logistics and Marine Services International LLC Safety and environment protection are given the highest priority. Our standards can only be met with the total commitment of every individual within our organization.
Our system will ensure a safe working environment, by recognizing training needs and ensuring only properly trained personnel are used in any task. Any activities that can be identified potentially hazardous will be specially considered and procedures will be developed, and training provided as required. Our system will provide for continuous improvement of the safety management skills of our personnel both ashore and on board our ship, by ensuring their participation in regular training exercises and reviews of performance. Our System will ensure proper preparedness for emergencies both safely related and environmental by development of procedures to recognize and deal with potentially hazardous or environmentally damaging situations, and by conducting regular exercises to ensure that all involved employees can effectively contribute to an emergency. Our system will ensure complains with mandatory rules and regulation by ensuring that our vessel is always in a regular class position, and that statutory certificates always remain valid. Our system will ensure that codes, guidelines, and standards recommended by IMO, flag state, classification societies, and marine industry organization, that are applicable to our activities, are considered.